Final Fantasy IX

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Re: Final Fantasy IX

Postby adambennett08330 » Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:29 pm

using soft rendering all games work fine with no framerate loss in newest version...bios screen works perfect as well...frame limiter i have disabled and went in misc to set custom limit to 60 and works quite well and doesnt go above 60..can play through games without lockups,crashes or seems to be in sync with game too..still messing with opengl tho

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Re: Final Fantasy IX

Postby Aranki » Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:59 pm

Hey guys,
I´m playing FFIX for a while now, with openGL and its brilliant, yesterday i reached the point where my crew fights the 3rd Tenor (i play the german version dont know if its also correct in the english one). After Zidane talked to Lili he runs out to help, here should switch the screen to the three on top of the ship.
Now my problem is that the screen goes black and crashes after a few seconds and returns to my home screen..

Im using an SGS3 with the FPse v0.11.69 version.

I dissabled the "special frame limiter" becouse it couses heavy laggs.

I hope you have some ideas :)


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Re: Final Fantasy IX

Postby TallicadaZ » Sat Dec 22, 2012 10:39 am

So I hadn't played my FF9 save file in a good few weeks and decided to crack on this morning.

It looks as if FPSe has updated a good few times since then!? After messing around pointing it to the correct folders etc, I load my (end of disk 3, 40+ hr) game... And it is ruined...

* My character won't move from the spot he is rooted to.
* Loaded up another SS from world map and the full screen is upside down!
* Even when I get into the equip menu the values are WAYYY off (999 for most stats, with nothing equipped), so can't just be a config error.

I've tried fiddling about with the settings and it doesn't help... I don't really know what I'm doing tbh!

This is the second time I've updated FPSe and it's fked my game, whilst I appreciate the devs update regularly, unless you are fairly tech savvy (which I'm not), all it does is screw your game...

Has anyone encounter these errors per chance? ...

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Re: Final Fantasy IX

Postby zenkmander » Fri Jan 25, 2013 7:31 pm

OpenGL Blitting is running great on my Nexus 7, but is there any way to make the text less pixelated? The screen filtering in software mode makes it nice, but is there a comparable option in OpenGL? Texture Filtering doesn't help.

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Re: Final Fantasy IX

Postby Amibal » Fri Feb 15, 2013 4:11 am

Hey Guys,

I played this game for months and I absolutely love it. The emulator is great and the game runs perfect. Sadly when I upgraded the software on my S3, I did not safely backup my save files, and all was lost. I have found a couple sites online that have save files from specific points in the game. I was wondering if there is a way to somehow use those save files, (from the ps1 version), and convert them to use for this emulator?

If anyone has any ideas I would really appreciate it. I had around 40 hours clocked in, and I wanted to continue my adventure. I was right at Ipsen's Castle if I recall correctly.

Thanks a lot everyone

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Re: Final Fantasy IX

Postby bluezeak » Tue Apr 02, 2013 2:10 am

Wow, it's so sad to see that no one is trying to help answer your questions over the past several months :-(.

S3 issues - I hope those have been fixes - choose the ' qualcomm fix'.

32 Bits rendering - you have to restart fpse immediately after setting this for it to take effect. You may need to do it from the main screen and not from knife the game (or you nay need to do it from inside the game not from the main screen).

'still messing with opengl' look back several posts and you'll see the settings needed for opengl. Also all of the opengl settings are game specific fixes. Only a gee are compatibility settings. I don't remember what's needed without going back to look but i think you only need alpha multipass and offscreen drawing. PLEASE check my OpenGL thread, especially my opengl spreadsheet.

S3 - see above. Also I had problems with the main frame limiter which is why I used the special frame limiter.

'problem after update' and 'lost save games'
First - never rely on save states, always have your game backed up with the in game save!!

Second - You're not the only one to have problems after an update, bit your issues are the most dramatic in game examples I've ever heard of. If you were using a save state, that's the most obvious reason. You must use the exact same settings for save states to work usually - audio setting, video plugin, and video plugin settings, and even then with a new version there a risk.

Third - about lost save games. That was someone that used to be a problem so schtruck changed the way the app updates itself. It no longer messes with save files when it does updates. If you look about 10 posts back you'll find a link that explains that.

Text filtering - this was something Pete spent a lot of time dealing with on the PC version on the plugin. Here were 6 filtering options to assist with it. We only have one filtering option in opengl, and I don't think it helps. The higher your screen resolution the worse the text will look.

save game files - again check past posts (or see above) for info on that. As for save game files - yes you can use memory card files. There are some restrictions... But I think you just need to rename the file extension. If it's more than that I think there is a memory file converter around. You generally CANNOT use save states unless they're fpse save states, and even then they may not work.
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Re: Final Fantasy IX

Postby mamaun » Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:33 am


I'm playing this AMAZING game on a Nexus 7 and I'm wondering what opengl configuration I've to use to play it through the end without framerate troubles.

Now I get 47-50 fps or lower on battles. :(


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Re: Final Fantasy IX

Postby bluezeak » Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:18 am

offscreen drawing
alpha multipass
special fram limiter
(also frameskip)

frameskip will make it a bit choppy, but fast. without frameskip it will be smooth, but slower. I don't think there's any way to make it better, not without better hardware, or better drivers.

Schtruck is working on an opengl 2 plugin (the 'experimental opengl'). You can try that and see how it works. It's still in development though.
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Re: Final Fantasy IX

Postby j146h » Sat May 11, 2013 11:07 am

Hi every one I need some help on this unsure wether anyone else is having the same problem. I made a copy of my disk using imgbrn and I got a .bin file but when I load the game I get stuck on the 2nd PlayStation logo screen it probably a licence issue but I don't know how road get around this thank you. And I don't know how to patch it if that's what I have to do

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Re: Final Fantasy IX

Postby j146h » Sat May 11, 2013 11:08 am

Hi every one I need some help on this unsure wether anyone else is having the same problem. I made a copy of my disk using imgbrn and I got a .bin file but when I load the game I get stuck on the 2nd PlayStation logo screen it probably a licence issue but I don't know how road get around this thank you. And I don't know how to patch it if that's what I have to do

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